Strategic and Intelligent Decision Making with Analytics and BI

Intelligent Decision Making with Analytics
Strategic business decisions such as supply chain problems, resource allocations, assignments, capacity, and budgeting require a level of precision and analysis. They need to be set up before the decision cycle arrives to accommodate intelligent decisions which support the unit’s goals, while including real-world effects like uncertainty, effect of other components and contradictory forces, capacity fluctuations, and productivity/utilization rate.
Decisions often need to be made quickly while maintaining accuracy, and the time taken for analyzing solutions and scenarios is precious to the unit.
To support businesses’ success, we design processes and provide solutions that support fast and efficient decision making by taking a strategic and systemic approach. We use Data Analytics, System/Process Analysis and Improvement, System Modeling and Optimization, and Simulations to provide solutions and suggestions to our clients.
Our solutions include the tools and expertise below, which we utilize when developing our solutions and suggestions.
Data Solutions and Analytics
Data Analytics include different types of analysis, from stochastic analysis, trend fitting and modeling, time series curves, and s-curves to input/output analysis, design, interpretation, providing insights, and reporting.
Depending on availability of historical data and data accessibility for collection, we use data to understand the business state, alignment with goals, and data quality. This analysis provides insight into current systems’ behaviors, patterns, issues, and general capacity, which in result provides information on areas and types of improvements needed, focus points, and areas that need additional analysis.
To support data processes, we provide data management and integration solutions, as well as data tools including database design, interface, data entry and storage, dashboards and reporting.
System & Process Analysis and Improvement
We provide insight into system state, performance, and weaknesses. We also provide a data-driven assessment of the state by defining performance measures and variables to observe, test, improve, and optimize.
The improvements range from supply chain-related process solutions and modifications to data management and information flow concerning detailed executive levels to high-level management.
To make realistic decisions that reflect the real-world effects on the business and its success, taking uncertainties that exist both within and outside of the business’s area of focus is a requirement. Using simulations, we analyze what parts are being affected by which uncertain components, how these areas are affected, and when and how such influences affect the entire business, unit performance, and goals.
Based on the system and data analysis described above, we determine the needed level of detail and precision, variables and unit boundaries within which the models will be conceptualized and developed.
Simulating the business processes, possible risks or opportunities, internal and external factors and constraints, and alternative scenarios (e.g., capacity, supply chain decisions, different processes and options), we provide dynamic insights into performance, capacity, resource utilizations, cost, and schedule.
We subsequently deliver a tool for fast, data-driven strategic decision making, suggest solutions to improve the processes or find and eliminate obstacles in the way of achieving business targets.
System Modeling and Optimization
The challenge of making a strategic decision is finding realistic options that take the business to its defined goals while taking the real-world limitations, regulatory or other strategic constraints and goals into account.
This is where we can help by providing a data-driven, inclusive view of the business, helping define options, and choosing the optimal setting that puts the business on track to meet its strategic, financial, and executive goals.